
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Scrap Boots

        Almost every tack maker has some sort of scrap box. Mine is this box of random leather scraps that I hopefully will use someday. I mostly keep it because leather is EXPENSIVE and I don't want to waste any piece of it. Today I noticed that my scrap box was getting quite full so I wanted to make something out it.

Today I made some " scrap boots". I dug out my boots pattern from my pattern bag and I got to work.

First I cut out the shape and then added stitch marks along the edge. Using the pounce wheel on super thin leather is hard! the leather kept on twisting and moving so my stitches came out a bit crooked. I tried again, and it was a bit better. 

Now I made the cup shapes and added leather lace ( also from my scrap box).

The only thing that was not a scrap was the buckles.

 Here it is on Protocol:

* Sigh * Don't you just hate it when you now have to make a second boot look exactly the same? Well that took me another hour fiddling, to make it the same size, and look.

Now the scrap boots are proudly strapped onto Protocol. Get it? The Strapless mold? 
Ha Ha Ha!


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