Hello! I spent ALL week crafting two tiny roses, what did you do?
Hahahaha, so basically a few days ago my brother made some blue model horse cones. I’ve always wanted matching flowerpots, so I decided to try and create my own mini flowers.
So what I did was mix two colors of polymer clay together until I got a perfect match.
Then I rolled it out paper thin and used a straw to cut out tiny clay circles.
The idea was to form the circles into little rose petals, and stick the petals together to form a rose.
Let me just say that the YouTube videos make this look ALOT easier than it really is.
I had to make lots of tiny little petals and layer them each by hand. The polymer clay was really sticky so I had to use cornstarch. This made the clay less sticky, but it also made it not stick to itself. So I had a lot of trouble trying to dab on a bit of water to each petal to stick them together.
In the end, after days of work I was left with two tiny blue roses. Then I decided to chuck those into the trash as well. I figured that it would be MUCH easier to just buy some mini flowers instead of making them. 😂
I have found miniature roses in all sorts of colors on ebay. Search for paper roses. If you can't find a blue you like (make sure to check the measurements) you can try getting white ones and painting them.