
Friday, March 5, 2021

Lift Me Up

For the last two weeks my mom and I have been volunteering at a horse therapy program called Lift Me Up. It’s really fun to help people, and spend time with horses. 

You technically need to be 14 to volunteer, but since I know a lot about horses I’m allowed to come with my mom. 
They have three fjord’s! I’ve never seen a fjord before, and they are gorgeous! It’s really cool to see the black in their mane and their dorsal stripe.

Another thing about the horses is that they’re all HUGE! I was expecting lots of ponies, but no. I could barely see over some of the horses withers!

At the barn, my mom and I mostly tack up and groom the horses, muck the stalls, and other barn chores. I even got to lead a horse in a lesson!

Selfie! (I’m smiling, you just can’t see it) :)



  1. So glad to see you're having fun with real Fjords!

    Check your dictionary: executing and expecting are VERY different in meaning.

    I wish I had more real horse exposure,... about the only time I saw them was BreyerFest and Penn National.

    1. ha ha! sorry, I typed this late last night and I was REALLY tired!
